Minggu, 27 November 2011

Buku terbaru Winnie the Pooh setelah 80 tahun

“Return to the Hundred Acre Wood” merupakan buku Winnie the Pooh yang rilis pada tanggal 5 Oktober 2009 di Amerika Serikat dan Inggris. Ini merupakan buku resmi pertama setelah AA Milne tahun 1928 menerbitkan “The House At Pooh Corner" akan mengungkapkan apa yang terjadi selanjutnya dengan Pooh dan teman-temannya. Buku yang ditulis oleh David Benedictus itu akan memperkenalkan karakter baru, Lottie the Otter. Buku, yang memiliki 10 cerita baru, diharapkan tersedia dalam 50 bahasa di seluruh dunia. Penulis bukunya, David Benedictus berkata: "Lottie the Otter benar benar-benar mewujudkan nilai persahabatan dan petualangan sebagaimana yang terlihat pada karya Milne, sehingga menjadi teman yang sempurna bagi Pooh, beruang favorit semua orang." Pooh dan teman-temannya muncul pertama kali pada tahun 1926 dan diadaptasi oleh Disney menjadi serangkaian fitur animasi dan sangat popular dikalangan anak-anak.

Cover “Return to the Hundred Acre Wood”

Winnie the Pooh “Return to the Hundred Acre Wood”

Lottie the Otter karakter pendatang baru

Jim Dale membacakan eksposisi dari “Return to the Hundred Acre Wood”

Ini teksnya :

Pooh and Piglet, Christopher Robin and Eeyore were last seen in the Forest - oh, can it really be eighty years ago? But dreams have a logic of their own and it is as if the eight years have passed in a day.

Looking over my shoulder, Pooh says: 'Eighty is a good number really but it could just as well be eighty weeks or days or minutes as years,' and I say: 'Let's call it eighty seconds, and then it'll be as though no time has passed at all.'

Piglet says: 'I tried to count to eighty once, but when I got to 37 the numbers started jumping out at me and turning cartwheels, especially the sixes and nines.'

'They do that when you're least expecting it,' says Pooh. "But are you really going to write us new adventures?" Christopher Robin asks. "Because we rather liked the old ones."

"I didn't like the ones with the Heffalumps in," adds Piglet, shuddering.

"And can they end with a little smackerel of something?" asks Pooh, who may have put on a few ounces in eighty years.

"He'll get it wrong," says Eeyore, "see if he doesn't. What does he know about donkeys?"

Of course Eeyore is right, because I don't know; I can only guess.

But guessing can be fun too.

And if occasionally I think I have guessed right I shall reward myself with a chocolate biscuit, one of those with chocolate on one side only so you don't get sticky fingers and leave marks on the paper, and if sometimes I am afraid that I have guessed wrong I shall just have to go without.

"We'll know," says Christopher Robin. "We'll help you get it right if we can."

And Pooh and Piglet smile and nod their heads, but Eeyore says: "Not that you are likely to. Nobody ever does."

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